Monday, March 23, 2020

Monday, March 23, 2020

Here is some updated information I thought everyone should know.

We have decided to change the schedule for all classes.  The new schedule is as follows:

1st  9:00 - 9:25
2nd  9:30 - 9:55
3rd  10:00 -  10:25
4th 10:30 - 10:55
5th  11:00 - 11:25
6th  11:30 - 11:55
7th  12:00 - 12:25

Monday and Wednesdays
English, Math, Health and PE, and Humanities

Tuesday and Thrusdays
Science, History, Chorus, Ag Science, Bible and Spanish

Chapel is on Wednesdays

This week my lectures are recorded and I can be reached by email everyday.  Everyone will have assignments that will need to be emailed to be by 5:00 pm on Friday.  If you have any questions please let me know.


May 14

 Wow only two weeks until exams.  This year has flown by.   Next week we will be attending DNOW.  Make sure you send in your $10 for t-shirt...